How does my waste wind up in places like Malaysia and the Philippines?
By Stephanie Hogan · CBC News
The line from your blue bin to a container in a distant port
Image: Kate Porter/CBC
How do the products you put in here end up in shipping containers thousands of kilometres away?
For the second time in five weeks, an angry government in Asia is demanding Canada take back unwanted waste.
First it was the Philippines — now Malaysia.
Many Canadians have been surprised — and unhappy — to learn that Canada sends vast amounts of its recyclable waste overseas.
They've been dutifully putting their plastic, glass and paper into the blue bin, believing they are doing the right thing for the environment. But the recycling process can be complicated, and the outcome isn't always as green as we might think.
Because the custom inspectors in Philippines and Malaysia failed to do their jobs, it is somehow the fault of Canadians who now must pay for their mistakes.

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