Dear Conservatives, Climate Change Is The Real Threat, Not A Carbon Tax

By Gerald Kutney Ph.D.
Doug Ford and Andrew Scheer seem oblivious to this threat, or are willing to put politics ahead of people and the planet
THE CANADIAN PRESS/CHRIS YOUNG - Federal Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer meets with Ontario Premier Doug Ford in the Queens Park Legislature in Toronto on Oct. 30, 2018.
I am profoundly concerned by the proliferation of "fake news" on climate change in Canada. By making this a wedge issue, conservatives have moved public attention away from climate change, the real threat, to the carbon tax, an Orwellian-political threat. Despite the partisan rhetoric, the price on carbon is trivial compared to the escalating cost of damages from extreme weather and related events. No one has ever died from a carbon tax, but they have from climate change.
