A deadly, drug-resistant fungus has swept the globe—here’s how it spreads
By Beth Mole
With a 30-60% fatality rate, researchers are trying to stem its mysterious spread.
Getty | Nicolas Armer
The director of the German National Reference Centre for Invasive Fungus Infections holding a petri dish of the yeast Candida auris in January 2018. Enlarge / The director of the German National Reference Centre for Invasive Fungus Infections holding a petri dish of the yeast Candida auris in January 2018.
Patients infected with a deadly, drug-resistant fungus are dripping with the dangerous germ, which pours into their surroundings where it lies in wait for weeks to find a new victim. That’s according to fresh data reported from the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology recently in San Francisco.
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