A Look at Touching Files
Last time, I created a function to determine if a
target file was out of date with respect to its sources. Now I want a
function similar to UNIX' touch(1)
that will update the
and mtime
of a file. And, like
, it should be able to create empty files. The way to
do this is to use Perl's utime
function, which is based on UNIX'
Coding touch()
In UNIX, there are 3 times associated with a file. The
which is the access time; the mtime
is the data modification time; and the ctime
which is the
change time. The atime
changes whenever the file is opened. The mtime
whenever the file's data is changed.
The ctime
is changed when the file is created or when its
permissions, owner, or group is changed. It cannot be directly changed by a
process; only the FS (file system) can change it. Therefore, we need not
concern ourselves about it.
UNIX FSes usually have a resolution to 1 second. That is, they only
round off the time to the last full second, like that given by Perl's
Again, I shall place the function in MyUtils.pm
. Starting
with the header:
# -------------------------------------- # Name: touch # Usage: touch( ?%options, @files ); # Purpose: Updates the atime & mtime of the files. # Parameters: \%options -- optional options # @files -- paths to files # Returns: (none) # # create a block to limit scoping { my %default_options = ( -atime => undef, # undef will use system time -mtime => undef, # undef will use system time -create => 0, # create file if it doesn't exist -set => '', # set atime & mtime to "now" or "system", # overrides -atime, -mtime options ); sub touch {
The -set
option is a shortcut to set the atime
and mtime
to the current time or the system default. Setting
the file's time to the system time means the current time for the computer
where the FS is. If the FS is remotely mounted, this time may be different
from the computer that issued the command.
The next step is to get the optional options.
# Start with defaults my %options = %default_options; # look for developer's options if( ref( $_[0] ) && ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ){ my %given_options = %{ shift @_ }; # use a slice to copy @options{ keys %given_options } = values %given_options; } # end if
This can be done because all of the sub's arguments are expected to be scalars except the optional options, which are a hash reference.
Now, check for the -set
# check for set, overrides -atime & -mtime options if( $options{-set} eq 'now' ){ $options{-atime} = $options{-mtime} = time; }elsif( $options{-set} eq 'system' ){ $options{-atime} = $options{-mtime} = undef; } # end if
Now, there's a bug in utime
that doesn't allow
to be passed. So, the times have to be changed to now or
there will be an uninitiated
warning and the times will be set
to zero.
# because of a bug in utime, # set undef times to now my $now = time; if( ! defined $options{-atime} ){ $options{-atime} = $now; } # end if if( ! defined $options{-mtime} ){ $options{-mtime} = $now; } # end if
Now, the working part of the sub:
# check files one at a time for my $file ( @_ ){
Check to see if the programmer wants the file created and that it does not exists.
# create missing file? if( $options{-create} && ! -e $file ){ # create via append, which does not destroy existing file open my $fh, '>>', $file or croak "touch(): could not create $file: $OS_ERROR\n"; close $fh or croak "touch(): could not create $file: $OS_ERROR\n"; } # end if
Note the use of open-to-append mode. This does not destroy an existing file. This should not matter since the existence of the file was checked before, but paranoia is a healthy sign of defensive programming.
Change the file's times.
if( ! utime( $options{-atime}, $options{-mtime}, $file )){ croak "touch(): could not touch $file\n"; }
The utime
function returns the number of files changed.
Since it is given only one file, a zero returned means it failed. The
warnings are turned off so that the time options
may have undef
as a value.
Now finish up.
} # end for file return; } # end sub touch } # end isolation block
Tests for
Create a script in ~/perl5/lib/t/MyUtils
to test
$ cd ~/perl5/lib/t/MyUtils $ >03-touch.t $ chmod a+X 03-touch.t
Now open the script in your favourite editor and add:
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use English qw( -no_match_vars ); # Avoids regex performance penalty use Test::More; BEGIN{ use_ok( 'MyUtils' ); } # test #1: check to see if module can be compiled my $test_count = 1; # 1 for the use_ok() in BEGIN use MyUtils qw( touch ); # import the touch() function
Now, we're going to need some file names for testing. We'll use some of the standard modules to create unique names.
use File::Basename; ( my $self = basename( $0 )) =~ s{ \. .* \z }{}msx; use File::Spec; my $tmp_dir = File::Spec->tmpdir(); my $file_1 = "$tmp_dir/${self}_file_1_$PID.tmp"; my $dir_1 = "$tmp_dir/${self}_dir_1_$PID.tmp"; # remove the files when done END { unlink $file_1; }
block will remove them when the script
Test 1: Touching a Non-existing File
This test expects an exception as its result, so it is isolated within a
block so that the use of Perl's special variable, $EVAL_ERROR
will not interfere with other uses. This is not required in this script,
but isolation of special variables is a good habit to get into.
# Test 1: touch a non-existing file # isolate the localization of the special variables { local $EVAL_ERROR; my $expected = "touch(): could not touch $file_1\n"; eval { touch( $file_1 ) }; my $actual = substr( $EVAL_ERROR, 0, length( $expected )); is( $actual, $expected, 'test non-existing file' ); $test_count ++; }
The actual variable is the first part of the eval
because croak()
adds the path to the test script to it. This
means it may have different values on different machines. So, that part is
removed for the test.
Test 2: Creating a Non-existing File
This test has two parts. First, create the file. Second, make sure it has been created.
# Test 2: Creating a non-existing file # isolate the localization of the special variables { local $EVAL_ERROR; my $expected = ''; eval { touch( { -create => 1, }, $file_1 ) }; my $actual = $EVAL_ERROR; is( $actual, $expected, 'create non-existing file, part 1' ); $test_count ++; $expected = 1; $actual = -f $file_1; is( $actual, $expected, 'create non-existing file, part 2' ); $test_count ++; }
Since the $EVAL_ERROR
is expected to be empty, the
has to be removed. The file test, -f
checks to see if the file is a regular file. It returns 1 if it is, else
Test 3: Attempting to Create an Invalid File
This test attempts to create a file in a non-existent directory.
# Test 3: Attempting to Create an Invalid File # isolate the localization of the special variables { local $EVAL_ERROR; my $file = "$dir_1/tmp.tmp"; my $expected = "touch(): could not create $file"; eval { touch( { -create => 1, }, $file ) }; my $actual = substr( $EVAL_ERROR, 0, length( $expected )); is( $actual, $expected, 'creating an invalid file' ); $test_count ++; }
Test 4: Test Set to Now
Now that we're fairly sure that touch()
throws its
exceptions correctly, it is time to test it's ability to change the time of
the files. I shall put only one test here since the remaining are all
# Test 4: test set to now my $old_mtime = (stat( $file_1 ))[9]; sleep 2; touch( $file_1 ); my $new_mtime = (stat( $file_1 ))[9]; isnt( $old_mtime, $new_mtime, "test changing mtime: $old_mtime, $new_mtime" ); $test_count ++;
First, the file time(s) are recorded. Then, touch()
called and the new time(s) are compared to the previous.
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